Saturday, April 1, 2017

History of Eugenics in North Carolina and Justice for its Victims

The article discusses the history of eugenics within the United States, specifically North Carolina. Women were sterilized, especially African-American women, for various reasons such as, mentally challenged, low IQ and being unable to assume adequate moral and social responsibility. The article also mentions actions taken by different organizations to help victims of sterilization. What is your opinion about the article? Should the victims receive some sort of reparations?

1 comment:

  1. The victims should absolutely receive reparations, despite the fact that they will never truly be compensated for what they've lost. These women were stripped of their natural right to have children, and so many of them completely unaware! This is blatant dehumanization and a violation to human rights. Forced sterilization is just another way of controlling women's bodies for the sake of eugenics and weeding out the "undesirable" people. Sounds to me like there is some serious race/sex science going on....and we cannot condone it. These women deserve all the compensation they can get.
