Sunday, February 26, 2017

Russian Revolution and its affect


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  2. Due to the affects of the Russian Revolution the world was forever changed as it ushered in a new political establishment influenced by the writings of Karl Marx in the "Communist Manifesto", which lead to Communism.

    Because of communism, millions upon millions of innocent lives were murdered around the world. Dictatorships and ongoing national conflicts, which have the ability to lead to far more devastating effects than we have yet to see in our lifetime, is still on the rise.

    The following is an estimation of the many lives have been lost around the world as direct result of communism ("The Russian Revolution"):

    U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths
    China: 65 million deaths
    Vietnam: 1 million deaths
    North Korea: 2 million deaths
    Cambodia: 2 million deaths
    Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths
    Latin America: 150,000 deaths
    Africa: 1.7 million deaths
    Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths

    According to the above, China has the highest rate in death tolls because of Soviet Union support stemming from an series of events in the 1920's that overturned the Chinese imperialist and resulted in the communist party of China, under the dictatorship rule of Mao.

    I have additionally attached the following link, which analyzes how Marx used Darwin's Theory of Evolution to support his theory of the evolution of human history. Within this link, you will also find the link between Darwinism and Marxism and the negative impacts that influenced the dictators of the early 20th Century to Communism:

    Below is a quote copied from the link attached(above),as a point of reference, regarding the negative impacts that resulted from communism:
    "Marx and Engels' followers, who brought about the deaths of millions of people and were the reason for hundreds of millions of others living in pain, fear, and violence, accepted the theory of evolution with great joy and interest."
