Sunday, February 26, 2017

Social media/technology making us less social

I feel social media has created so many ways to communicate and be social but has made us less confrontational when it comes to face to face talk.

There's an example of how for somebody social media has made him more social

People don't need to go out any more

People used to need to go out with their friends to find out about their lives but now they can find out from their computer screen without any real human contact or conversation. People no longer need to be able to communicate properly with others due to the fact that the internet is doing it for them. And also the ability to use internet phones to check social media sights has turned places like coffee shops and cafes into non social areas. Instead of approaching strangers to be entertained in new situations people are just pulling out their phones and checking their social media so that they can feel connected to others without actually being connected to others.

Heres another argument in that people don't go out.


  1. Totally. Humans rely on the internet and technology to establish relationships for them, instead of taking the time to do so on their own, with other people, face to face. I don't know how conversations online can compare to spending time with people out in the world--at restaurants, concerts, movies, hiking, or simply hanging out. These are things people do that, in my opinion, are much more effective than using the internet to create the kind of incredible, long-lasting relationships everyone craves for. That being said, the internet ABSOLTUELY provides a wonderful social platform for meeting people all around the world, and for that, I am thankful.

