Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Technology & Romantic Relationships

Let me know your thoughts! How does technology affect your romantic relationships? If you don't have any, how has it influenced your romantic pursuits? If you don't have any, how has it influenced your platonic relationships?


  1. While I am in a committed healthy relationship (in fact, the current boyfriend I have asked me out on a date in person and that is the first time that has ever happened to me!), I have seen that my single friends have spent so much time "marketing" themselves on the internet for men to seek. I think it's unhealthy and gives our generation a false sense of intimacy and what love should be.

  2. This article was an interesting read and reminiscent of similar articles I read and wrote about in my blog post, "How Technology Impacts Relationships in Today's Society". But to answer your question on a personal level; I am happily in a committed relationship for over 12 years. We recently married just last year, and I am happy to share that technology bears absolutely no impact on our relationship. I rarely post anything on social media and if I do there are just a few pics of us sharing some moments with friends for an occasion, here and there. Overall I do not allow social media or technology to have any kind of personal affect on my life and strictly apply technology for business and school. I feel limiting my use of technology, where it does not over-power my social or personal life is important, as balance in all things in life is. In addition, we (my husband & I) do share a lot of activities in common; some of which include gardening, working out, and going out to eat. Staying active and going out or sharing ideas and thoughts keeps you both (as a couple) united and bonded, I think. It's worked for me so far. Hope this helps. :D
