Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Monday, April 24, 2017

Women in the workforce


I came across this post and I thought it was really interesting to see that the growth of women throughout the workforce has grown quite a bit since the 1970's and more and more women are going to work instead of being the traditional stay at home mother. It was also interesting to read that women make about $.77 to a dollar a man makes. I personally dont think this is fair because if were doing the same amount of work as men are we should be getting paid the same as well. It seems as if equality still hasnt been completely reached. Let me know what you guys think!

Women in Science and Technology

Women in Science and Technology

Image result for women technology and science
Image taken from: http://www.uvu.edu/cte/wistem/

Although, we know that women have played a key role in advancements in the evolution of science and technology, from being the first "human computers" during war efforts to having a hand in further advancing computer technology in the early twentieth century.  According to this report (link above), there is a big gap in the number of skilled professional women who are disciplined in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). 

It would further seem that the lack of women acquiring these skills hinders the ability for a nation to achieve technological advancements needed for the populace to grow as a nation.  It is documented that obtaining the right balance between men and women in STEM offers a full comprehensive understanding of a specific subject than not.  And by having a more inclusive workforce that includes a diverse group of backgrounds, cultures and interests aids in the development of innovation and productivity. 
"The untapped potential of fully trained and credentialed women who might be interested in STEM but choose not to pursue degrees in these fields or who decide to change careers because of obstacles, real or perceived, represents an important lost opportunity not only for women themselves but also for society as a whole" (Castillo, R., Grazzi, M, & Tacsir, E., 2014)
Some of these perceived obstacles as indicated within this report remain the many stereotypes that continue to haunt women to this day; such as women are not as motivated as men, women are more interested in family rather than careers and women are not as competitive as men.  This report does a fine job at debunking these myths but how can we as a society encourage more women to pursue education in STEM?

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Should we be able to modify human genetics?

I feel the need to compare gene editing plastic surgery. Today, plastic surgery is only performed on the very young when a deformity keeps them from functioning normally. Plastic surgery performed for purely aesthetic reasons is typically reserved for adults who can make informed decisions and give consent. I think gene editing  when necessary editing will be performed early on and elected editing will be open to consenting adults

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Should We Create Genetically Modified Humans?


The article discusses the science behind mitochondrial manipulation. The author discusses the ethical reasons of creating genetically altered babies. There are many pros to changing the genetic code of ill babies such as, the end of hereditary disorders. The article also mentions the cons of shaping the genetic code such as, how will the genetic changes effect later generations. Do you agree with altering the genes of humans? How far should we go to changing the Human DNA?

Monday, April 3, 2017

Is Technology Leading us to a Totalitarian Society?

Is Technology Leading us to a Totalitarian Society?

Scientific American: Policy & Ethics
Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence?
We are in the middle of a technological upheaval that will transform the way society is organized. We must make the right decisions now

This article found on Scientific American, outlines a world where technology will eventually lead us to a completely programmed society, where algorithms dictate who we are and what we think.  It is predicted that supercomputers will eventually surpass and replace a large part of human capabilities in the next 10 - 20 years, where approximately half of today's jobs will be threatened by algorithms.
"Technology visionaries, such as Elon Musk from Tesla Motors, Bill Gates from Microsoft and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, are warning that super-intelligence is a serious danger for humanity, possibly even more dangerous than nuclear weapons."

In Singapore today, a data-controlled society was implemented as a program to protect its citizens from terrorism, which eventually ended up influencing their economy, immigration policies, property markets and schools.  China is following suit with their version of Google, Baidu.  With Baidu, China was able to implement a project called the China Brain Project from which they involved their military to take part of and run deep learning algorithms collected about their users over the search engine.  The beginning of implementing a form of social control is realized by using these algorithms to determine which of China's citizens have the right to obtain loans, work, and travel. 

"If our judgments and decisions are predetermined by algorithms, however, this truly leads to a brainwashing of the people. Intelligent beings are downgraded to mere receivers of commands, who automatically respond to stimuli"
If our society were to be manipulated and/or nudged towards an outcome predetermined by someone/some thing other than ourselves, than what kind of quality of life can we expect for ourselves and future generations when all things are predetermined for us? 

This article further outlines specific fundamental principles to avoid the inherent disasters that will eventually come from a data-controlled society.  Should we heed the warnings that are sure to effect our lives in the near future?  How do we begin protecting our civil rights in an age where technology is advancing so rapidly than generate severe loopholes in the laws put in place to ensure democracy?   To find out more, I encourage you to fully read this article, although it is quite long, it is not only informative but very enlightening. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Women & Forced Sterilization


Hello friends,

This is the article we had to read on eCampus about women and forced/coerced sterilization. I honestly had no idea that these practices are still happening as often as they are in the United States, and it's sickening to me how they are brought out. In my eyes, this is a form of controlling women's bodies for the sake of eugenics and having a way to pick out the people who are deemed "unfit" for society. But why are those who are sterilized mostly women? Why are they mostly lower class with disabilities? Instead of blaming & PUNISHING these women for their situation, why don't we look at the institutions that FAIL them and land them in their current circumstances?

Let me know what you think. I'm seething, to be quite honest.


Saturday, April 1, 2017

History of Eugenics in North Carolina and Justice for its Victims

The article discusses the history of eugenics within the United States, specifically North Carolina. Women were sterilized, especially African-American women, for various reasons such as, mentally challenged, low IQ and being unable to assume adequate moral and social responsibility. The article also mentions actions taken by different organizations to help victims of sterilization. What is your opinion about the article? Should the victims receive some sort of reparations?

Monday, March 27, 2017

"The New Totalitarianism of Surveillance Technology"


Hello friends,

This article delves into the discomforts of living in a surveillance state, or what seems to be a surveillance state on the rise. It turns out that many more people are being watched (and watched CLOSELY) than we thought. A new-ish technology that enables face recognition in public spaces without consent is being debated by the public--specifically in Disneyworld. This technology is so important and useful that even the military wants a hold of it.
Do you feel comfortable living in a state of surveillance if you don't know when you're being watched or by whom? Honestly, I know we've talked about it more than once in class. But is this something you're cool with? Also, does the concept of consent, or the lack thereof, bother you to any extent? It definitely does for me...but then again, who knows how long these technologies have actually been around...


Sunday, March 26, 2017

How Technology Impacts Relationships in Today's Society

How Technology Impacts Relationships in Today’s Society

            Technology in the 21st Century has a funny way of enhancing our lives and at the same time making it far more difficult than we would care for.  When it comes to relationships, developing trust in someone you just met and building confidence during early phases of a relationship seems far more challenging than ever before. 

One of the most common tools primarily for women to do is to Google your dating prospect prior to going out with them.  Initially, as a woman, I thought, that’s a great idea!  This technique can help alleviate some of the skepticism you may have from dating someone for the first time and at least ensure you’re not possibly going to go out with someone with a serious criminal record.  However, as this form of checking out your mate prior to dating, also nicknamed online prowling, has gained popularity, it is now highly advised that the last thing you should do, is to go online and check your date out prior to your first encounter.  One of the reasons is that there could be misleading information online about the person you are inquiring about, your search comes up with multiple people with the same name (how would you decipher which of them is the correct one?) and the online perception of that person may cloud your judgment.  This is why an advice given on the subject by a columnist on Forbes magazine, under the Lifestyle section, is “Before a first date, the best research is no research”. (Krueger, 2014)

Further, once you have established a relationship, how do you build on it? With so many outlets online leading you to believe that perhaps your relationship isn’t as great as those fed to you on your FaceBook account.  Should you compare your relationship to those of others?  Are they really a good indicator of what a relationship should be like?  There is an article online about the psychology of couples oversharing on FaceBook, where they took a small group of people who volunteered to participate in a study which examines whether there is a correlation between those that overshare on FaceBook as opposed to those that do not in relation to how genuinely satisfied they are in their relationships.  The study in the group had couples who were in a relationship from one month to 30 years.  Groups were established of introvert and extrovert type personalities, the study indicated that the group of introverts were more likely to overshare about their relationship status than the extroverts; primarily because with extroverts, they are more likely to share verbally and do not just share their relationship status online but also vocally to friends and associates as opposed to introverts, who are less social and therefore have less friends to vocalize their relationship status to.  Out of the group that did and did not overshare, there was no clear indication that those that did overshare where any happier with those that did not but were instead indicated that they were indeed genuinely satisfied with their partners and felt the need to express their happiness in their relationship status by documenting and sharing those moments online. 

The only indicators that this study revealed was that when it comes to introvert or extrovert personalities, technology makes it feasible for everyone to flaunt their personal lives publicly and openly.  But can it factor into how you feel about your own relationship as an outsider looking in?  Most people like to compare themselves to one another.  It seems to be a natural human behavior in this day in age, where the ability to be ostentatious is lauded and to be a spectator effortless.  With social media, every aspect of a person’s life is instantaneously fed to your account, without even wanting to receive this information, it’s right there in front of you.  However, the effects of using social media to expose so much details about your own personal relationship can have as much a negative impact on the people viewing that information as much as the person sharing that information. 

For example, there is the issue of whether your partner approves of having their private moments with you displayed publicly.  A post from a couple’s psychologist, Alexandra Solomon, expressed that some of the major arguments her clients are having is when one of them decides to share some private moments on FaceBook.  Even though you may feel it is quite natural to share your personal life online since others are doing just the same, your partner may not agree and may find it intrusive and overbearing.  Boundaries should be established between the two of you and you should ask for permission prior to sharing because what may seem harmless to you may not to your partner.

Further, when it comes to friends or distant friend(s), who you may have recently reconnected with through social media, your relationship status can drive a form of jealousy in those that do not quite have that same perspective outlook in their relationship or for those that have had a difficult time finding or connecting with someone.   You can find yourself being a target of someone else’s resentment that has nothing to do with you directly but that you have in some form affected them indirectly.  Also, inasmuch as you can find yourself the target of negative feedback due to oversharing, you can also become depressed because your relationship status just does not quite compare to someone else’s.  It’s a natural trait to find yourself envious because of what someone else has.  People always seem to think that the “grass is greener on the other side of the fence”.  One way to combat this issue is by simply limiting your use of technology, or social media specifically, to limit the over-exposure of things that are having a negative impact on your psyche.  You can also choose to unfollow those that you find overbearing due to their lack of keeping some things private.  Comparing your relationship with someone else’s is not fair to you or your partner since you don’t really know what happens between them behind closed doors.  What may seem like a blissful relationship from the outside looking in, could be quite different on the other side.  You can only know what you know and work with what you have.  An article from Psychology Today, written by Andrea Bonior, PHD, 7 Ways to Combat Facebook Jealousy outlines a way to take back control by identifying key objectives in your life to achieve attainable goals that give you meaning and a sense of accomplishment.   

Finally, one of the most controversial aspects of the use of technology in the 21st century on relationship is the growing number of infidelity.   The ability to easily reconnect with an old flame from the past or someone who you have always had a crush on but nothing ever came of it until now that has come in to your life as a casual flirt that somehow has turned into something more intense.  These types of situations are a common occurrence on social media and have been reported by many couples.  To find yourself in a position where you are now entertaining the thought of being with someone else while you’re in a relationship is very tempting.  There are many reasons why someone in a relationship would cheat.  Cheating is not something new and has always been an issue in relationships for many years.  It’s just more easily accessible now through the use of technology.  Especially with dating apps.  With these apps, you can find someone available that wants nothing more than a one night stand, no strings attached.  How great is that? (sarcasm) While some may view this as a great way to finding someone new and bringing some form of excitement back into their lives, avoiding issues they have in their current relationship only leads to guilt and anxiety of getting caught.  This in turn, leads to more complications in your relationship and only serves to heighten the issues you already have.  A research study indicates that not only has the number of infidelity increased from 1991 to 2006 but also the number of women who are cheating on their spouses has increased significantly more than in previous years.  In a report in 2003, the number of cheating wives were estimated to a total of 60% of women have engaged in at least one extramarital affair (Edelman, 2003).  In addition, a survey conducted in 2010 by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that 81% of divorce lawyers reported an increase of divorce due to social networking, primarily noting FaceBook as the main site used as evidence of the affair.

So what does this all mean?  In short, it just means that life has now become more complicated than ever before.  Gone are the days were simplicity and modesty are a virtue.  Technology has not only helped us to reconnect, progress, and inspire.  It has also made us more dependent, anxious, and distracted.   Technology has made it easier for us to invoke all the negative qualities we ever knew we had, on each other and ourselves.  We have become an extreme version of ourselves in a world where real-life situations are over-dramatized and every day issues are exacerbated.  How do we build a long-lasting relationship with someone in this day in age?  My advice, limit your use of social media (unless for professional use), prioritize all aspects of your life, appreciate your surroundings and those surrounding you, and live life to your own expectations and never expect anything from anyone.


Bonanno Galasso, l. S. (2016). Social Media's Impact on Relationships. Retrieved from PsychCentral: https://psychcentral.com/lib/social-medias-impact-on-relationships/

Bonior, A. P. (2015, March 31). 7 Ways to Combat Facebook Jealousy. Retrieved from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/friendship-20/201503/7-ways-combat-facebook-jealousy

Edelman, S. (2003, July 13). Why we Cheat; Women Doing it More and Feeling Less Guilty. Retrieved from NYPost: http://nypost.com/2003/07/13/why-we-cheat-women-doing-it-more-and-feeling-less-guilty/

It's Cheating. (2014). Social Networking Extends Cheating Opportunities. Retrieved from itscheating.com: http://www.itscheating.com/cheating/social-networking-extends-cheating-opportunities/

Krueger, A. (2014, April 30). The Best Ways to 'Research' Someone You Meet Online. Retrieved from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alysonkrueger/2014/04/30/the-best-ways-to-research-someone-you-meet-online/#5a32da132cde

Parker-Pope, T. (2008, October 27). Love, Sex and the Changing Landscape of Infidelity. Retrieved from NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/28/health/28well.html

Romm, C. (2014, August 15). The Psychology of Oversharing Facebook Couples. Retrieved from www.theatlantic.com: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/08/the-psychology-of-oversharing-facebook-couples/376112/

Wong, B. (2015, December 15). 7 Ways Facebook Can Ruin Your Relationship. Retrieved from www.huffingtonpost.com: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/7-ways-facebook-can-ruin-your-relationship_us_56706867e4b0e292150f80b6

North Korea's Control of the Media

North Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is a totalitarian regime. North Korea controls what the information is, how it is obtained and who is allowed internet access. The state-run media lies to the people, for example, Kim Jong Un talks to dolphins and doesn't need to use the bathroom. What is your opinion of the article? Is a totalitarian government effective way to control people?  

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Should Drones be used in Warfare?

The article discusses whether using drones is morally right or not. The author points out instances when drones killed innocent civilians. The author also points out the benefits of using drones for military operations. What is your opinion of using drones for warfare? Is it necessary for victory or not? 

Monday, March 6, 2017

WWII: The Birth of Computers


Hello friends,

This is a website that traces the birth of the computer. The event that really propelled computer technology forward, interestingly enough, was the cracking of Enigma (a German device that predicted where the Nazis were headed) by the Bletchley Team in Britain. Because of this event, as well as the work done prior to this event, the computer as we know it (as well as the Internet) was born. "Cracking the Code" ultimately gave the UK & America the tools needed to progress their technology ten-fold, and that is because they had to in the midst of the war. If they didn't, the Nazis would have killed many more people than what is currently recorded, and could have possibly won the war.

So...here's the question: without the race science adopted by Hitler, and the very highly demanded work of the Bletchley team, do you think we would have computers like ours today? If so, would they be as advanced as they are? Was this war worth the technology it bore? Why or why not?


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Evolution or Devolution?

Evolution or Devolution?

Youth on social media & the internet: Step forward or step back?
This was a topic of conversation that was posed by the Asbury Park Press in its monthly
Student Voices contest and circulated on the Sunday, February 26, 2017. 

The Question: What would like be life be like for high school and middle school students without the internet and social media?

I thought this was particularly interesting since we've had a few conversations in class on the subject.  Of the many interesting points made by the students that participated in this contest, the most moving one, which I will caption for you briefly is the one written by Molly Griswold, a senior at Freehold Township High School, who won the contest. 

Within she writes "The internet allows us to put on a façade and exhibit our extremely fabricated and false personas in a narcissistic and self-consumed virtual reality.  . . . Without 'the world at our fingertips,' life would be filled with embracing personal connections, conquering missed opportunities and overcoming our worst insecurities.  Instead of staring at a phone or a computer screen, we should be staring into the eyes of the people we love.  Rather than sending a mindless text, we should express our feelings through words.  Maybe, one day, society will realize the difference between living through a lens and living in the moment."

If you would like to read the full version and those of others, which was also quite impressive and touching, you can do so by clicking on the following link below:

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Russian Revolution and its affect


Social media/technology making us less social

I feel social media has created so many ways to communicate and be social but has made us less confrontational when it comes to face to face talk.


There's an example of how for somebody social media has made him more social

People don't need to go out any more

People used to need to go out with their friends to find out about their lives but now they can find out from their computer screen without any real human contact or conversation. People no longer need to be able to communicate properly with others due to the fact that the internet is doing it for them. And also the ability to use internet phones to check social media sights has turned places like coffee shops and cafes into non social areas. Instead of approaching strangers to be entertained in new situations people are just pulling out their phones and checking their social media so that they can feel connected to others without actually being connected to others.

Heres another argument in that people don't go out.

Is google making us stupid?


I wouldn't say google/the internet is making us "stupid" but its definitely making us more lazy. At minute 1:20, the student seems to agree that it makes us stupid but also makes us smarter. Going to have to agree with his reasoning in that the internet provides us with so much information, how could we get dumber.

Sorry for such delayed responses btw :/

Technology can help make Long Distance Relationships seem Close


The article discusses the benefits of using technology to help long distance couples seem close with one and other. What is your opinion on the article? Do you think technology is good or bad for relationships?  

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Technology & Romantic Relationships


Let me know your thoughts! How does technology affect your romantic relationships? If you don't have any, how has it influenced your romantic pursuits? If you don't have any, how has it influenced your platonic relationships?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Women's Oppression & the Industrial Revolution

Women's Oppression & the Industrial Revolution


During the height of the industrial revolution, many working-class women found themselves in an extreme oppressed society, where the only the lower-class (or the poor) were in need of income to survive.  Women working during this era found themselves segregated and demeaned from society due to the fact that the middle-class found women in the work force to be demoralizing and degrading.

The pay scale for women was far less than their male counterparts.  And even lower for women with children.  Single women had five options of obtaining work during this era; domestic service, factory work, street-selling, manual labor, agricultural work, mine work, and prostitution.  Women with children had lesser options and were often paid less due to the fact that there was an assumption that they were married and therefore did not need the money as much as a man who support their families.  Most working mothers would bring their children in to work with them in factory positions, often working long hours with very poor conditions.  Child labor laws were not in effect until 1832, which only deemed that children under nine are no longer allowed to work and others above that age cannot exceed a 12-hour work day. 

Men during this era, only worked four - five days a week and would waste their money on drinking.  Because men were not as reliable and were paid more, women were exploited and were used to fill most of the factory positions, working longer hours; approximately 16 hours a day, 6 days a week.  Reform came in many ways throughout the years, which changed working conditions and eventually offered women the ability to obtain an education and gain access to higher pay jobs; however, as we know to this day, women are still paid less for same positions held by men.  So remains the injustice in women's oppression on the subject continues, as Congress refuses to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act rejected several times by the Republic Party in 2014.  This Act would have forced employers to address the difference in pay for each gender and help eventually close that gap.[1]  

                “. . . . female discrimination is still playing a huge role in America.  There are more than one circumstance in which women are on the end of sexual, financial, and social oppression though the law states discrimination to both sexes are illegal.  However, this is just more evidence to support the fact that the society we live in are turning a blind eye to the oppression faced by women.” (Ghaninejad, 2015)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Do Violent Video Games have an Affect on Kids?

This article discusses the affects that violent video games have on kids. Are kids more aggressive and/or desensitize to real world problems or are there other factors that affect the empathy of kids. Do you agree or disagree with the article? And what are your opinions on the topic?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Negative effects of technology on kids

"Negative Effects of Technology on Kids"

In this YouTube video regarding the negative impact on children in our society in relation to what leads to the lack of empathy in today's generation is quite revealing.  It is documented that approximately 20-25 acts of violence are displayed on television programs each hour.  A research study was conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation Survey - AC Neilson Company which reported that by the time a child finishes elementary school, they would have witnessed 8,000 murders before entering middle school in the USA.

It is to no surprise that with the total amount of violence children are exposed to on a daily basis, that most are so desensitized that they can't even comprehend what it is like to show compassion or empathy to others. 

In reference to yesterday's class, dated February 8, 2017, I wanted to provide the following link mentioned by Prof. Williams regarding this generations Pop Culture and the effects of how technology has an impact on our daily lives.  Here is the video of Justin Bieber's song: Love Yourself.  This is my first time I've watched the video, for anyone else who has never seen this video, it is provided within the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyEuk8j8imI&list=PL7cJWYlMnhfxKAbFqMBItmVmjZGCmxhIp

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Is Technology Killing Our Empathy?


This TedTalk gets into technology (specifically social media) and how it is meant to deepen our empathy gap & diminish our ability to relate to others. It also dives into the lack of empathy vs. the rise of narcissism. Let me know what you all think!


Friday, February 3, 2017

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is a scientific revolution that changed the way we grow and consume foods in agriculture.  The development of this biotechnology started with the Recombinant-DNA (rDNA) technology, which is the introduction of one organism artificially introduced into the genome of another organism and then replicated and expressed by that other organism[1].  This was created through the collaboration of two scientists Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen in 1972 and after from the original gene-splicing experiment first introduced by Paul Berg in 1971. 
Approximately forty-three years later, most agriculture is cultivated by implementing the scientific method of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) that had once allowed farmers to grow pest-resilient crops that can grow much larger and sustain a longer shelf life than years prior to the use of this technology. 
In 1999, over 100 million acres of farms around the world were farmed with these genetically engineered seeds. However, by 2003, it was discovered that certain pests had already become immune to the genetically engineered toxins produced by these modified crops.[2]  Further, the need to introduce a stringent form of toxic bacterium in order for these crops to survive is now under way. 
It is important to note that in 2011, the same toxins were found in the blood of a pregnant women who showed evidence that she had passed the same toxin to her unborn child.  Since both humans and animals are being fed genetically engineered crops, it is likely that we are consuming a significant amount of GMO’s from the animals we feed on and the vegetables we eat, quite possibly enhancing the number of toxins we consume from GM foods in our diets per day. 
With the height of the population growing at an astounding rate, projected to grow to 9 million people by 2050[3], the need to cultivate genetically modified food sources will continue to advance in many other facets of our daily diets.  And although there have been numerous accounts of animal cases that have documented severe, if not fatal side-effects to GM food consumption[4].  The FDA continues to allow these GM foods to be produced and has recently approved a recent application from AquaBounty Technologies for AquAdvantage Salmon[5]; this will be a new form of genetically engineered food source that alters the DNA of Atlantic Salmon which will allow it to grow faster, thereby yielding the company a high profit margin on the length of time it takes to raise and sell these genetically modified salmon in the marketplace.  
Which brings me to ask this question: “Is the FDA really looking out for your best interest?”  If you google this very question or “Is the FDA Corrupt?”  You will find many articles and documented regarding this very topic.   But I will leave that up to you to decide for yourselves. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"The Russian Revolution Changed the World Forever"


I find it pretty incredible how there are so many parallels between Russia in the early 20th century, and America now...it makes you think about whether or not history is doomed to repeat itself, regardless of the damage we've seen done by it. Artists often try to foreshadow the consequences of such political patterns (in this case, Animal Farm by George Orwell hits the revolutionary nail in the Russian head), but it seems to be inevitable. I pose two questions to you all: 1. How do you think the Russian Revolution has affected the United States? 2. Do you believe a revolution like this one in Russia is bound to happen in the United States, and if so, why or why not?


Friday, January 27, 2017

“Has Technology Made us Lazy and Dependent?”

“Has Technology Made us Lazy and Dependent?”
To some extent I would agree with the writer and state that technology has made us lazy and dependent.  In my opinion, it is without doubt that we are completely dependent on technology in so many facets of our daily lives.  One can’t argue with the fact that we, as a society, cannot function without the use of technology, thereby making technology one of the most, if not the most, important part of our lives. 

However, inasmuch as we are dependent on technology, it is up to each and every individual to apply themselves in order to be a functioning member of society.  Opportunities for those that can capture the market as a consumers’ needs evolve present an ideal circumstance.

As the writer of this article pointed out, there are now many options available for someone to run your own personal errands for you.  Technological Apps (short for software application) available to download on your mobile device can offer an array of services that weren’t readily available several years ago.  Daily tasks; such as grocery shopping, household purchases, or shopping for clothes are now available online or on your mobile device.  Likewise, to put these new services into perspective, as we see a drastic rise in income inequality in our economy[1], so has our individual need for these services.  On average the number of children living in single-parent homes has doubled per the Census data in 2010[2].  If the average home only has one working parent residing in the home, then it is quite possible that they alone cannot take on average routine tasks without any assistance, making the demand for these services increase to meet the individual’s needs.  It is also important to note, that in meeting these needs, job growth in these specific fields that offer these services also increase thereby employing more individuals that can meet those needs.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Social Media is Dumbing Down our Communicative Skills


Hey friends! This is a YouTube video by asapscience, which delves into the science behind virtual social media and how it affects our brains. This is only one branch of a very big topic about our smarts being disengaged thanks to the Internet, but I believe this is super relevant to us because (I'm assuming) all four of us engage, to some extent, in social media.

My thoughts:
Social media is stripping us of our ability to communicate face-to-face, and I believe this is more true for those who were given access to social media during early childhood years. I think it's an amazing opportunity to be able to speak to anyone, anywhere, all of the time via the Internet...but it is changing our ability to speak in real time with other humans. Social media allows us to edit ourselves, to take as much time as we need answering people, or to simply not answer them at all. Exhibiting such behaviors in person is not nearly as socially acceptable. It's complicated, and there are so many pros and cons to social media, but I personally feel that it is negatively affecting our ability to talk to people like we were once able to long before the Internet came around. What are your thoughts?



Every article/post on this blog (with the exception of the commentary) is NOT owned by the authors of this blog. This blog exists for educational purposes only.